FAQs about Pine Knob Urgent Care & Walk-In Clinic in Clarkston, MI
We strive to deliver outstanding service to every patient, every time you visit us. We’re passionate about what we do and we’ll take great care of you. Please read through our frequently asked questions below or contact us so we can answer any other questions that you might have.
Table of Contents:
What do I need to bring with me to the Urgent Care?
If I have slurred speech, face drooping and/or arm weakness, should I come to an Urgent Care?
If I have chest pain, tightness, burning or heaviness and/or pain radiating down my arm or up into my neck, should I come to an Urgent Care?
When is coming to an Urgent Care an appropriate choice?
We want your visit to be as convenient as possible. To expedite your care and treatment, please bring the following items with you:
• Drivers License
• Insurance Card
• Payment for insurance co-pay or self-pay option
To help us better serve you:
• List of current medications
• List of past surgeries and medical conditions
• List of allergies
These are warning signs of a possible stroke. Your best action is to call 911. Do not drive yourself to an Urgent Care or the hospital. An Urgent Care is not equipped to treat a stroke.
These are warning signs of a possible heart attack. Your best action is to call 911. Do not drive yourself to an Urgent Care or the hospital. An Urgent Care is not equipped to treat a heart attack.
Pine Knob Urgent Care offers treatment to patients of all ages for injury and illness. Typical ailments may include sore throat, flu, asthma attacks, or injuries including broken bones, cuts requiring stitches and more. We provide a one-stop option for unscheduled, time-sensitive care.